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5 May 2024

It was one of those days today. Do you have them? The days where you just think about stuff? Things come into your head and you start down a rabbit hole. I’ve been making decisions in the past few days – big ones. Some I can share now and some I’ll share later. But my brain always seems to need a break after that and so it was a day today where I was just thinking about stuff. Thinking nearly always equates to writing for me, so here I am on the page :-)

Here’s a big decision that I made yesterday, almost on a whim. I joined The Knitting Guild Association. But more than that, I joined it so I could sign up for Level 1 of the Master Hand Knitter Program. I’m going to call it the MHK from now on. It’s very possible that I have a screw loose. Those of you who are knitters know what I’m talking about. Here’s what I have to do in Level One:

The first level establishes proficiency of basic knitting skills. Requirements to complete Level 1 include: A report on Blocking and Care of Hand Knits, nineteen knitted swatches, eight gauge calculations, twenty-two questions to research and answer, and one mitten.

I have a year in which to do these things. Yeah . . .

I am hopeful that I will do well and won’t have too many do-overs to re-submit. My friend, P is doing it at the same time, so we’re going to cheer each other on :-) I think my research background is going to help me a lot in all three of the program levels. Research was my livelihood for probably 20 years or more in one way or another. I love finding stuff – be it online or in a book/magazine – and then documenting it. Research is definitely in my wheelhouse/comfort zone. The succeeding levels (2 and 3) are progressively harder and are no less research-intense.

Years ago, I knew someone who was very intent on becoming a knitting teacher and they decided to do the program. Unfortunately they received not the best teaching reviews at places where we both had taught, and when they submitted their Level 1 coursework, they were so insulted that they had been requested to re-do some of their swatches that they flounced and never finished . . . I don’t think they ever taught much after that.

That will not be me. If I end up with stuff to re-do you can bet I will be re-doing it :-D This is a big challenge for me and it’s funny that I would make such an important decision so quickly. But I’ve learned in my life thus far that when something is right for me, it’s right, and I’m nearly always able to trust my gut and make a quick decision. If I waffle about something, that’s usually a clue that either it’s not a good decision for me or that the timing isn’t ideal. No matter what the outcome is, I will be learning, and learning builds new neural pathways in our brains. Always a good thing :-)

I did the Level 1 course for the Circular Sock Machine and it was pretty intense with research required as well as samples cranked. I think we had six months to do it, but it was the inaugural year in 2020 when I did it, and that’s when the pandemic hit. I think they extended it for us to 12 months. Anyway, I did well with it (I was even the course administrator the second year) and have been anxiously awaiting the next level for a couple of years now, so I have a general idea of the work that is going to be involved in something like the MHK Level 1 submission. The MHK requirements are much more substantial, however.

In other topics of the day – don’t laugh, but I got a pattern to knit an “Emotional Support Chicken.” Seriously, that’s the name of the pattern. I decided it would be a great way to use up some of my handspun. The first one will have the center black for the body and the blue/green/purple on the right for its tail feathers. I started playing with it today and already made a mistake on one side of the feathers. I’m going to call it a design feature and keep moving forward (I won’t be able to do that in the MHK :-D ).

And here are the first goslings of the season! I’m sure there were littler ones earlier, but I haven’t been able to walk about the pond in some time. The cortisone in my knees allowed to do that yesterday for the first time in a long time without repercussions the next day. There are actually four babies, but two of them are hiding in the angles of this particular photo.

It’s been awhile since I’ve shared anything from my stands. This is the first blossom on a streptocarpus plant called Cicero. It was the Best Strep in the 2023 national convention last year. I got a leaf from the grower and it’s just now showing me its first bloom. I’ve only gotten this one blossom so far. I hope it’s going to be more prolific in the bloom department. It’s a pretty stunning blossom – the throat pretty much just glows.

Well, that’s it for today. My brain is done thinking for a bit. :-)

Dougie MacLean did another of his short free concerts yesterday from his home studio. I caught the last bit of it online and this was the tune he closed with. Really made me think about those I’ve lost in my life and how they are really never all that far away. I decided to share it on this gloomy day for all those who have gone before us . . .

This is Dougie MacLean – Hide in the Wind