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23 April 2024

Today was my birthday. I used to have a mug that my mother bought me that had that rhyme on it, with the first line largest in the center, because I was born on a Monday. I kept it long after I should have – it had big chip in the bottom – but I had stopped drinking from it forever ago. I think it finally went out a few months ago.

It’s a child’s nursery rhyme first published in 1838.

Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

I got up early today because I had an appointment with a knee surgeon at 8 a.m. The long story short is that I’m not a candidate for knee replacement surgery at this time. I’m too fat and I hadn’t had any treatment yet. Apparently the PT I’ve been doing for the past nearly 10 weeks isn’t considered treatment.

I ended up with a cortisone shot in each knee, which I didn’t really want but he said that they were considered treatment and should hopefully give me some relief from the pain I’ve been in since November. I think they are helping – I’ll know more tomorrow. I’m to stop going to PT after tomorrow and just continue at home. I’m to exercise as much as I can, which should be easier if I’m not in pain all the time.

And I’m to commit to losing weight, which is something I have struggled with most of my life . . .

But, onward I go. It was a good birthday all the same :-) I got myself two presents – an annual subscription to PBS Passport streaming service, and also an annual subscription to Britbox streaming service :-) I’ll get them set up on the Roku or on the telly itself tomorrow.

Found this by chance. Enjoy :-)

The Cambridge Singers – Monday’s Child (Five Childhood Lyrics)